Wilson 390

< span class="taxonomy-term item1">Book Stacks
Capacity: Seating: 59
Desks / Carrels
Tables & Chairs
Couches / arm chairs
Windows - Natural light
Food & Drink Allowed
Expected Noise Level:
Low hum
Today's Hours:
8am - 6pm
Maps & Directions

Go from Haggard Entrance to second floor on elevator
- If you are approaching Haggard Hall from Red Square, take the ramp to the left of the stairway that leads down toward the skybridge and High St.
- Head toward the main entrance to Haggard Hall which is directly under the skybridge.
- Enter the building and take a right at the main stairway to the ramp up to the elevator entrance.
- Take the elevator to the second floor and exit the elevator.
- Go through the security gates.
Haggard Circulation Desk security gates to Wilson Library
- Take a left and cross the skybridge.
- Use the ramp to the left of the stairway to enter Wilson.
Go from Wilson ramp to Wilson third floor via South elevator.
- From the end of the ramp, take a left around the corner.
- Continue straight past The Corner seating area.
- Take the elevator up to the third floor.
Go to WL 390 (Accessible).
- Take a right after reaching the third floor.
- Continue all the way down the hall past the sofa seating on the right.
- Pass through the room with purple carpeting and enter WL 390 via the door on the left side of the room.
- NOTE: This room lacks a direct accessible path around the entire room due to various obstructions. Paths to various areas of the room are provided below:
Access Wilson 390 -- Left side of room
East Elevator Path:- Return to the second floor via the South elevator. Take a right after exiting the elevator and a left after passing The Corner.
- Continue straight past the stairs.
- Before passing through the security gate, take a right then continue straight past the Tutoring Center.
- Take the elevator on your right up to the third floor.
- After exiting the elevator, continue straight to enter the study space.
- Access the left side of the room by taking a left.
- Take a right at the end of the aisle, then another left at the corner.
- Continue straight into the study space.
Access Wilson 390 -- Right side of room
- Go down the center aisle.
- Take a right through the bookstacks. NOTE: Widest path is located in the 8th aisle (narrowest point is 39 inches).
- Enter the space.
Access Wilson 390 -- Back of room
- Continue straight down the center aisle.
- Note: Limited access at the back of the room due to obstructive columns.

Go from Wilson entrance to Wilson third floor via South stairs.
- Enter Wilson by entering the North entrance. Walk through the two layers of doorways and pass through the security gates.
- Go straight past the info desk.
- Take a right at the intersection and pass The Corner.
- Take either the stairs or the elevator up to the third floor.
Go to WL 390.
- Take a right after reaching the third floor.
- Continue all the way down the hall past the sofa seating on the right.
- Pass through the room with purple carpeting and enter WL 390 via the door on the left side of the room.
- Go down the center aisle. Seating is located along each wall of the room.
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